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哪怕有一秒钟,你是否遐想过换一个性别会怎么样?我们在出生时有已有分配好的性别,可是有时这种分配并不能符合我们内心的真实。一起来看看澳大利亚的模特、电台主持人和电视主持人Ruby Rose是如何发现真实的自我的?

People have told Ruby Rose what a pretty girl she is all her life. But for years no one knew that deep down, Ruby secretly wished she was a boy, not until she came out to her mom when she was just 12 years old.
“I used to pray to God that I wouldn’t get breasts,” Rose, 29, told The Guardian. She even bound her chest with bandages and slept on her stomach, hoping that in this way she wouldn’t get boobs.

Throughout her teenage years, Rose struggled with her gender identity before finally deciding to listen to her heart and fashion her appearance after that of a man and not a woman. And that choice brought her where she is today.

The Australian model, DJ and television host made her US television debut last month on Netflix’s hit show Orange Is the New Black, playing Stella Carlin, an inmate in the female prison.
上个月,这位澳大利亚的模特、电台主持人和电视主持人参演的流行美剧《铁窗红颜》首播。她在其中饰演一个在女子监狱服刑的女犯人Stella Carlin。

As soon as the new season came out, Rose was on her way to becoming a viral sensation. But it wasn’t just her androgynous look, piercing eyes and tattoo-covered arms that cast a spell over her viewers. US lifestyle website afterellen.com attributed her star power to her “unabashed take on being herself”.

Last July, after being rejected by a director who said she “can’t play the sexy girl” because “she looks like Justin Bieber”, Rose filmed a video called Break Free, which she wrote, produced, and starred in herself.

In the video, Rose transforms herself from a long-haired blond woman to a man, breaking down socially prescribed gender roles.

“As soon as I get to take that hair off, as soon as I get to take that makeup off, and as soon as I get to be 100 percent what I would be, which is definitely more boyish, I’m just freer and I’m happy,” she told Vanity Fair.

The video resonated with many, capturing millions of views and tripling the number of Rose’s Facebook fans. And two months after its release, Rose got to audition for Orange Is the New Black, which she believes is no coincidence.

“I think beauty is being around someone or seeing someone who is confident in themselves and has that confidence to lift other people up with them,” she told Elle. “Only you know who you were born to be. And you need to be free to be that person.”


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